SOTD: creator vs. switch and freq nasty by santogold
emergency creation thing 1:
i realized something about myself today that i had probably known, but never was able to put into words before-that being that in order for me to feel like my day was productive, i must create something. the creation could be anything: a meal, a collage, a blog, or anything really.
thing 2:
today i turned my calendar to april today (can you believe im actually on top of it?) and the quote of the month read:
"sometimes right back where you started from is right where you belong."
i couldn't agree more. after finally leaving my home and living in another city, i realize how much i love where im from and how much i want to go back.
another thing:
as i was driving back up to school today, while i was in a very sad mood, i happen to glance over to my right and see a field. in this field were about a dozen horses and one in particular caught my eye. one of the horses tail's was erect and all of the sudden it started to defecate. i do realize that this whole scene took place within the course of about 3 seconds, but those 3 seconds changed my attitude immediately. it was quite ironic to me that i was feeling crappy and all the sudden i saw an animal feeling crappy too. i laughed out loud in my car and felt much better about life.
updates over the last month:
i went to mexico.
for the first time ever, i dropped a class.
nathan played a show.
im transferring for sure.
i decided to train for a marathon.
i ate alligator.
quote of the day:
"my dream is to unleash my potential. ready or not, here i come."