SOTD: yellow by emily asen
WIKI: a good way to use wildflowers effectively
ugh. i think i will be forever bad about blogging regularly...
today i wanted to drive far away. it was the first day in a while that there was sun and a blue sky. i turned up matt costa and thought about carly and how much i wish i could just drive down and see her! maybe someday we'll do a road trip. i would love that. i finally turned around and drove back to school and forced myself to go to class. all in all, a good day.
i want to buy a bicycle. like yesterday. but i will have to wait until i have a job again and save up...and i don't technically need one until i get to portland. wooooo!
wedding planning is coming together. that is awesome! i'm very much looking forward to having things figured out and done. only 213 days left!
btw, if you are ever in portland, please go to slappycakes for breakfast! it is so fun!
and avatar in 3d was seriously one of the greatest movies i've ever seen. sooo good!
peace and love!