Monday, February 13, 2012

something good

let's make this happen, girl
you gotta show the world that something good can work
and it can work for you
and you know that it will

let's get this started girl
we're moving up, we're moving up
it's been a lot to change
but you will always get what you want

today was my first day of training.
honestly, i'm just tired. sleeping in one hour increments is not the way i hoped to start.
but hey, things happen 
and you just gotta make it work out.

so instead of dwelling on exhaustion and nerves,
here's my list of 'something good':

1. getting off at two tomorrow instead of having to get fitted.
2. ohyeahwait, valentine's day is tomorrow.
3. having a very supportive husband who got up early to make me a special breakfast today,
then helped me study when i got home.
(even though he has two jobs and school to do).
4. not to mention supportive and loving family and friends.
5. making it to ground school. 
6. listening to something good can work out by two door cinema club 
aka theme song of the month.
7. clean room and fresh laundry finished this weekend
8. knowing that i'll meet lots of new awesome people this month at ground school.
9. my roommates getting me orange juice, honey greek yogurt, and ice cream to celebrate my first day.
10. i made it through day one! 

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